HappyCats Rescue

Donate Goods and Products
We rely 100% on donations that includes goods to sell, as well as products for our animals.
Please email enquiries@happycatsrescue.co.uk with the goods and products you would like to donate and we will be in touch.
Every donation helps, so if you can only give a little, that is enough.
We have local donation delivery / pick up points, please email us for more information.
Tombolas / Car Boot Sales
We rely on donated items to help us raise much needed funds.
Don’t throw it away. Help us rescue and re-home animals that need our care.
Clothing (for Children and Adults)
Linen and Curtains
Kitchen Items & Gadgets
Ornaments & Glassware
Jewellery & Watches
CDs, Cassettes, DVDs, Blu-Rays, Console Games, etc
Handbags & Accessories
Toys & Games
Full Bottles for our very popular tombola
Good Quality Gifts for tombola's etc.
Animal Welfare & Administration
Goods and products like these help us to reduce our costs whilst caring for the animals.
If your not in a position to donate money, how about donating any of the following items:-
Black Bin Liners.
Washing Up Liquid.
Kitchen Rolls.
Old towels (all sizes).
Rubber Gloves (all sizes).
Cat & Kitten Food.
A4 Photocopy Paper (plain).
2nd Class Stamps (unused).
Catnip for cat toys.
Double Knit Wool.
Toilet Rolls for cleaning.